November 9, 2018
We are no strangers to LARGE fumigations!

In February, Cats USA Pest Control successfully fumigated the Mid Valley Regional Library for the City of Los Angeles. This facility represents the hub of public service activity in the San Fernando Valley. The target pest for the fumigation was the Drywood Termite.
The Mid Valley Regional Library is a massive modern structure primarily constructed of concrete and steel. Over half a million (591,000) cubic feet of total space needed to be securely covered by tarpaulin for this project. Termites were identified in inaccessible portions of the structure where the construction comprised of wood framing.
Fumigations of this size at a facility as involved with the community as the Mid Valley Regional Library can be a daunting task. The project required the combined efforts of city representatives, library staff, security, and of course our top-notch fumigation crew.
The fumigant (Vikane) is an inert gas which has no residual properties and was therefore the best choice for treatment of the structure with no damage to the facility books, videos, artwork, and other media. There was no post treatment cleanup necessary by the library staff. The Mid Valley Regional Library represents the third library facility fumigated for the City of Los Angeles by Cats USA Pest Control thus far in 2018.